SIL Brisbane

SIL Brisbane

 Supported Independent Living Brisbane

Home Caring helps people with disability live as independently as possible through Supported Independent Living, a NDIS support that helps you manage everyday tasks.

Supported Independent Living or SIL includes support for tasks like personal care, getting ready in the morning, housework, cooking meals, budgeting and catching public transport. It also includes learning skills and increasing your ability to do things on your own, with confidence.

Our team of health professionals and experienced support workers provide Supported Independent Living in Brisbane for people in the community. Following best practice approaches, we provide encouraging, effective support that helps you with day to day life.

Our SIL NDIS Brisbane services include:

  • Assistance with personal care tasks so you can take care of yourself
  • 24/7 supervision or personal care for high needs
  • Bed transfers and feeding assistance
  • Medication management
  • Daily living skills development
  • Help with household tasks like cleaning and laundry
  • Support to do grocery shopping
  • Building social skills and making friends
  • Group activities with housemates
  • Preparing healthy, delicious meals
  • Actioning behaviour support plans
  • Support for medical appointments
  • Supervision and support with personal safety and security
  • Help catching public transport to get you out and about
  • Help to manage your household budget and finances
  • Planning hobbies and activities for a balanced life
  • Learning how to be part of a household roster

As a specialist disability provider with years of proven experience, we are best placed to offer NDIS SIL in Brisbane. We’ll help you learn skills and build the confidence you need to live the life you want.

What is Supported Independent Living?

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a NDIS support that helps you be independent, whether you’re living in a group home, private rental, with your family, or in your own property. It is designed for participants with higher support needs, to help them with everyday task around the home. SIL is funded under the Core Supports category of your NDIS plan.

Supported Independent Living NDIS in Brisbane

Home Caring provides NDIS Supported Independent Living in Brisbane, helping people with disability enjoy a full and active life. Our SIL disability group homes in Brisbane suburbs are available across a wide range of regions. You’ll receive full support from our quailed support workers and healthcare professionals, along with opportunities to learn skills, make friends, take part in group activities and be part of a warm and inclusive household.

All of our SIL homes are positioned in well-regarded suburbs, close to all amenities, employment opportunities, recreation spaces and medical facilities. We also offer SIL services in your own home, if that is the living situation that best meets your needs. Our dedicated staff will visit you and support you one-on-one with daily tasks, so you can be independent and enjoy living in your own home.

Our SIL Values

As a NDIS registered provider in Brisbane, Home Caring is dedicated to exceptional service that always puts our clients first. This means we are:

  • Person-centred – we treat you as an individual, take the time to get to know you, and work hard on building a trusting relationship with you and your family for long-term care.
  • Consistent – you won’t get a changing roster of support workers who are strangers to your home. We provide you with a consistent team who you know and trust.
  • Dedicated to quality – we work to the highest standards based on NDIS quality measures, and on top of that, strive to deliver excellent customer services that makes people smile.
  • Positive – while we understand that everyone has challenges, we help you tackle them head on with positivity, creative problem solving and resilience, cheering you on along the way.
  • Collaborative – we’ll work closely with you, your family and your support network to help you achieve your goals. We have a multidisciplinary approach and consult with others.
  • Respectful – you have a right to decide what your support looks like, and how you want to live. We help you make informed choices in life, and ensure you are in control of your services.
  • Multicultural – our multicultural and bilingual teams cater for a range of cultures and backgrounds. We provide culturally sensitive care that values you as a person.

Home Caring provides Supported Independent Living NDIS in Brisbane, across a wide range of suburbs. We also offer disability homes in Brisbane for those who’d like to live in an inclusive household with other NDIS participants. To find out about current vacancies in your area, please get in touch with our disability care experts.

short term accommodation ndis

Home Caring’s Approach to SIL

We believe that the best support happens when everyone is on the same page. By working collaboratively, we can help you achieve your goals and make the most out of life.

Our service approach is:

  • Personal – we don’t just treat you like a task, but genuinely care for you, take an interest in your life, work on building trust, and match our services to your unique needs and goals.
  • Exceptional – we don’t settle for second best. We follow high standards of care, pay attention to the details, and strive to deliver quality support our clients can trust.
  • Tailored – each person is unique, and so is their support. We work to understand your needs, and tailor our support accordingly. We’ll help you achieve your personal goals.
  • Encouraging – We believe in you! We have a positive and creative approach to problem-solving, and work with you to achieve your goals or find solutions to everyday challenges.
  • Multidisciplinary – we’ll partner with other health care professionals and your support network to achieve the best outcomes for you and your family.
  • Empowering – we respect that you are in control of your plan. We help you make informed decisions, values your choices, and help you be an active agent in your support.
  • Culturally aware – our bilingual teams cater for a range of cultures and backgrounds. We provide culturally appropriate care that meets you where you’re at.

Home Caring provides Supported Independent Living NDIS in Brisbane, so people in the community can be independent and enjoy quality of life. We’ll support you with the big and little things, while giving you opportunities to learn new skills. To inquire about SIL services in your area or find out more about disability care with Home Caring, please get in touch with our friendly team.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between SIL and SDA?
Who provides SIL in Brisbane?
Is Supported Independent Living the same as a group home?
How much does Supported Independent Living cost?
How do I apply for SIL funding?
What should I look for in a SIL provider?

What is the difference between SIL and SDA?

If you are just starting out in your NDIS journey, you may come across the terms Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and be a bit unsure what they mean, or you even be confused as to whether they refer to the same support.

SDA and SIL are both NDIS housing supports that help people with disability live independently in the community, but the way they achieve this is different. SDA refers to the home you live in, and SIL refers to the support services you receive in your home.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a special type of housing for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. It can include shared supported accommodation, community residential units, or self-contained homes. SDA comes fitted with specialist housing solutions, such as ramps, assistive technology, ceiling hoists and robust construction, so you can be as independent as possible and access the supports you need.

Supported Independent Living (SIL) refers to the support services you receive in your home to help you live independently, such as personal care, help with the housework, skill development, medication management, social interaction, or meal preparation. It is intended for NDIS participants who have higher support needs due to their disability, and require a significant amount of help throughout the week.

If you need both SDA and SIL to live independently in your own home, you can access them through different funds in your NDIS plan. This gives you more choice and control over your support, as you can choose to live in an SDA home provided by one company, then receive SIL services from another provider who meets your needs. You don’t have to receive SIL and SDA from the same provider, although you can if you choose to.

Are you on the hunt for quality Supported Independent Living providers in Brisbane? Home Caring has plenty of wonderful Specialist Disability Accommodation and Supported Independent Living options NDIS in Brisbane suburbs. To chat to someone about your circumstances and needs, please get in touch with our disability experts. We’re happy to help.

Who provides SIL in Brisbane?

Supported Independent Living services is provided by companies and organisations that are registered with the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency). Being registered means that the provider meets the NDIS Practice Standards, and is fully recognised by the NDIA as delivering services to a certain quality standard. You can trust that the services they provide you with are of a certain quality standard.

As a NDIS registered provider of SIL in Brisbane, Home Caring supports NDIS participants in their own home, so they can be as independent as possible. Our SIL services cover a range of needs, from help with personal care tasks and skills training to transport assistance, managing your medication, actioning behaviour support plans, 24/7 supervision, learning how to budget your finances, and help with cooking meals. Our exceptional teams of professional support workers and nurses cover all suburbs all across Brisbane, delivering services that help you reach your individual goals. For more information, please get in touch with our team. We’d love to chat to you about your needs and see if we can assist.

Is Supported Independent Living the same as a group home?

Supported Independent Living can be accessed by NDIS participants who live together as a household, otherwise known as shared disability accommodation or a group home. While you can still access SIL while living on your own, many participants choose to live with others as a way of getting support while being part of a household. To qualify for support, you must be able to demonstrate to the NDIA that you have significant support needs, and SIL is a ‘reasonable and necessary’ support in order for you to live an independent life in the community.

While living alone may suit some people, there are some great benefits to living in a group home, such as being part of a community, the opportunity to make new friends, doing group activities, more social interaction for better mental health, learning how to be part of a household and taking on responsibilities, experiencing communal living while having privacy, being in a supportive environment.

If you want to trying living with other NDIS participants in your local area, Home Caring can help you find a group home in Brisbane that’s just right for you. We understand how important it is to get along with your housemates, so we carefully match participants with each other, ensuring a good mix of personalities. Our disability care experts and support workers are always on hand to offer support and help nurture skills for life. We focus on creating a warm and caring environment where everyone is valued and cared for.

Along with group homes in the Brisbane area, Home Caring also provides group homes in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Canberra and South Australia. All of our properties are in prime locations, close to all amenities for your convenience and enjoyment.

To chat to someone about your needs or to find out if we provide services in your area, please get in touch with our disability care experts for a free consultation.

How much does Supported Independent Living cost?

Supported Independent Living is subsidised by the government through the NDIS (National Disability
Insurance Scheme). This means people in the community living with a disability can access the support they need to be as independent as possible. The amount of SIL funding you are eligible to receive depends on the level of care you need (e.g. whether you require a standard of care, or more complex support). Your funding pays for the services your SIL provider delivers to you, covering things like personal care, help preparing meals, medication management, bed transfers, learning new skills and supervision with daily tasks.

Keep in mind that SIL does not include expenses such as renting a property or mortgage repayments, electricity and water bills, daily living costs such as food, recreation activities, the cost of owning a vehicle, holidays, discretionary spend, or items that are already covered by other NDIS supports, such as mobility equipment and independent living aids. To chat to someone about how much Supported Independent Living NDIS in Brisbane costs with Home Caring, please get in touch for a chat with our friendly team.

How do I apply for SIL funding?

Supported Independent Living falls under the Core Supports category of your NDIS plan. One of the first steps to applying for funding is to get a functional assessment report (usually from an allied health professional such as an occupational therapist) that demonstrates how your disability impacts daily life, why other types of housing are unsuitable for your needs, and what supports you need to help you achieve your housing goals. You also need to have a goal in your NDIS plan that relates to housing, to show that SIL is ‘reasonable and necessary’ to help you achieve your goal.

Applying to have SIL Supported Independent Living in Brisbane included in your NDIS plan can be a time-consuming and complicated process, so it’s best to chat to your support coordinator or Local Area Coordinator and ask for support. They can help you get your reports ready, and ensure you give appropriate evidence to apply for SIL funding.

What should I look for in a SIL provider?

Where you live and the type of support you access makes a huge difference to your quality of life. It’s important to do your research before choosing a Supported Independent Living provider, so you can be sure to choose the one that’s right for you. Here are some factors to consider when researching SIL providers in Brisbane.

  • Do the supports they offer help me reach my NDIS goals? Chat to the provider about how they will support in you with everyday tasks. Will their services help you meet your goals? Will they help you develop skills that are useful? Will you be able to access the kind of activities you enjoy?
  • What is the location of the home? If you are moving into a SIL home or group home, consider whether the location is convenient for you. Whether you like the area and are close to your support network makes a big difference to your lifestyle.
  • What are your housemates like? Most providers give you an opportunity to meet the people you might be living with before you move in. Get to know a bit about them, and ask yourself if you would be happy to live with them and do life together.
  • What is their team like? Find out what the provider’s approach to care is, and whether you see eye to eye when it comes to your support plan. Are you able to be matched with a support worker who you can get along with? Will they empower you to be independent and help you reach your goals?
  • What happens if there is a problem? It’s normal for conflict or problems to arise now and then when living in a group home, or even on your own. Find out what the provider’s process is for dealing with problems and complaints. Do they action feedback and work with you to sort out difference of opinion?
  • Is the SIL provider fully registered? SIL service providers must be registered with the NDIA, and be able to meet all practice standards. Then you can be assured that you are receiving high quality care.
  • Is the provider open to feedback? Are you able to communicate with the provider about your needs? A good team is willing to listen, take on feedback, and enable you to take control of your support plan. They should be able to explain things to you, and make you feel like an empowered member of the household.
  • Do you have a good feeling about the house itself? This may seem obvious, but you need to like where you are living! Take a tour of the house and ask yourself if you can see yourself living there. Will you have your own room and space for privacy? Is there enough outdoor areas and recreation spaces to relax?

Home Caring provides SIL homes in Brisbane to suit every need and taste. We’ll work with you to find the right home, housemates and support team, so you are fully supported in everyday life. To chat to someone about your SIL needs, please get in touch for a chat with our friendly team.

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