Daily Living and Life Skills

Daily Living and Life Skills

Daily Living and Life Skills

To be independent, it’s important to develop daily living skills that help you meet everyday challenges. Doing things for yourself helps you feel confident and in control, knowing you can tackle whatever the day throws at you.

Home Caring helps people with disability develop Daily Living and Life Skills for everyday life. As a NDIS provider, we’ll enable you to build your independence, so they can get what you want out of life.

Our experienced team will give you all the training and support you need to learn a wide range of important daily life activities. This includes:

  • Using public transport and planning a trip
  • Personal presentation, hygiene and taking care of yourself
  • Communicating, social skills and interpersonal skills
  • Looking after your home and keeping it clean
  • Preparing a tasty and healthy meal, and taking care of your nutrition
  • Doing your own laundry
  • Problem solving daily life challenges
  • Budgeting your money and financial management skills development
  • Taking your medication
  • Doing the grocery shopping and budgeting for what you need
  • Improving relationships with your family and friends
  • Following a routine for daily tasks
  • Planning and organising skills
  • Communicating with your NDIS service providers and managing funding of supports
  • Regulating your emotions when things become overwhelming
  • Improved Daily Living activities and support

We provide individualised support, helping you grow and develop according to your NDIS goals. Whether you’re being supported one-on-one or in a group setting, we make learning everyday life skills a fun and engaging experience for everyone involved. You’ll gain confidence for life, as you work towards your own personal development.

Our Approach

Home Caring takes a positive and empowering approach to NDIS support. Rather than doing things for you, we’re right there alongside you, supporting you, encouraging you, and inspiring you to achieve your goals, so you can enjoy independent living in day to day life.

We also help NDIS participants take part in community life – whether that’s through doing everyday tasks together, learning how to access the services you need, helping you enjoy community activities you’re passionate about, or providing you with opportunities to make new friends and grow your support network.

Our team is:

Experienced – our qualified team has plenty of experience in disability support and daily life skills training.
Collaborative – we listen and work with you (and your loved ones) to help you reach your goals.
Innovative – we’ll help you implement strategies and problem-solving skills to meet life’s challenges.
Flexible – is there a specific skill you’d like to learn? We’d love to help you, according to your need.
Person-centred – we build our support around your personal skills development, so you can do life on your terms.
Positive – we focus on what you can do, and help you build more skills for a better life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Life Skills support funded?
How can Life Skills training benefit me?
Where does Home Caring provide Life Skills support and training?
Do you provide other disability support services?
Can I work with a support worker one-on-one?
Do you provide Life Skills training for children and young adults?

How is Life Skills support funded?

If you are a NDIS participant, you may be able to fund Daily Living and Life Skills development and support with your NDIS plan, so long as your inability to do certain tasks is related to your disability, and the support is reasonable and necessary to increase your independence and help you reach your goals. Depending on the support you require, your funding might fall under the Core Supports or Capacity Building categories.

For assistance and advice, chat to your support coordinator or Local Area Coordinator. You can also give us a call we’re happy to chat to you about your situation. If you are not yet a NDIS participant, we can give some guidance on the application process.

How can Life Skills training benefit me?

Learning everyday skills for life can have many benefits for you and your loved ones. These include:

  • Being able to live as independently as possible in the community
  • The satisfaction of doing things for yourself (or with less support)
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem, knowing you can achieve your goals
  • Improving your access to the community, which prevents isolation
  • Better physical health and mental wellbeing, as you’re able to get out and about more
  • Easing the load for family carers, as you are able to do more things for yourself
  • Being able to do the things you enjoy and participate in your favourite hobbies
  • Meeting the challenges of everyday life with a problem-solving attitude
  • Positive encouragement and support from a dedicated support team
  • Being able to access parts of the community that were previously out of reach
  • Increasing your social circle and making new friends
  • Trying new things and enjoying new experiences
  • Being able to take care of your own needs yourself

Where does Home Caring provide Life Skills support and training?

Home Caring provides Daily Living and Life Skills support and training – as well as a range of other disability services – all around Australia. We are based in major cities and regional areas in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland. All of our teams have qualified support coordinators, health care professionals and support workers who are local to the area, and understand how to best meet the needs of people in the community.

To find out if we provide NDIS disability services near you, please get in touch. Our friendly team would love to chat with you about your needs, and see how we can best help you.

Do you provide other disability support services?

Yes, Home Caring is a registered NDIS provider, and delivers a wide range of disability support services across Australia, besides development of life skills. This includes domestic assistance, community participation, nursing care, behaviour support, social and recreation activities, transport, capacity building, support coordination, specialist disability accommodation, short term and medium-term accommodation, respite, and more. To chat to someone about your specific needs, please get in touch. We’re happy to help you.

Can I work with a support worker one-on-one?

Home Caring provides individualised support for NDIS participants, tailored to the goals in your NDIS plan. We’ll listen, understand your goals, and match you with a qualified support worker, based on your needs, personality and circumstances. They will work with you, one-on-one, to support you with everyday activities, and help you do things on your own. We pride ourselves on caring about people, and seeking to build a genuine relationship with the clients we support. We also seek to build a caring, nurturing and positive atmosphere where people can be their best selves.

In some situations, we may provide daily living and life skill training in a group situation such as at a day centre, where you can benefit from working alongside other people. This can be a great opportunity to socialise, make new friends, have plenty of fun doing new things, and experience a different environment from home.

Do you provide Life Skills training for children and young adults?

Home Caring helps children, teenagers and young adults develop important daily living and life skills – appropriate to their situation and stage of life. We can provide NDIS-funded services through the Improved Daily Living category of your child’s NDIS plan. Whether it’s doing chores around the home, travel training, motor skills, agility skills for a team sport, budgeting skills, working with others, making decisions, meal planning or skills for communication, we help young people develop the skills they need to lead a confident, happy life.

Want to get started, or need more information about our NDIS services? Get in touch to speak to our friendly staff. We’re happy to help and chat to you about your specific needs.

Home Caring provides NDIS community nursing services all around Australia, including regional areas and major cities in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland. We provide flexible, personalised care for people living with disability, so everyone can enjoy quality of life. On top of Community Nursing Care, our NDIS disability care services include personal care, domestic assistance, behaviour support, capacity building, life skills, disability accommodation, community engagement, employment and education support, and more.

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