Disability Care Melbourne

Disability Care Melbourne

Disability Care Melbourne
NDIS Provider
Home Care Package Provider

Disability Services in Melbourne

Do you need support to live independently at home?

Home Caring provides NDIS disability support in Melbourne suburbs and regional areas of Victoria. If you are living with a disability, our local support workers and nurses can support you in a variety of ways, and help you engage in local community life.

Our disability support services in Melbourne include:

  • Personal care
  • Nursing care at home
  • 24/7 support for complex needs
  • Help with daily chores (e.g. laundry and cleaning)
  • Assistive technology
  • Therapies such as occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy
  • Home modifications
  • Social activities and community participation
  • NDIS Support coordination
  • Capacity building support
  • Employment support
  • Transport to activities
  • Respite care
  • Meal preparation
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation
  • Supported Independent Living
  • Learning life skills, such as how to catch public transport
  • Education support
  • Behaviour management support
  • Caring for your health and wellbeing
  • Vehicle modifications
  • Early childhood development support
  • Home and garden maintenance
  • Paediatric care at home
  • NDIS plan management

About Us

Home Caring is a registered NDIS service provider. Our teams of nurses and support workers can help you make the most of your funding, and provide services that make a real difference to your life.

Here’s what you can expect from us as services providers.

Personalised approach – we’ll work with you to create a support plan that helps you reach your goals. You’ll be able to receive services and learn skills that make a genuine difference to daily life. And you’ll always be in control of your support.

Exceptional standards – our support workers are rigorously screened, fully qualified and highly experienced at providing disability care in a wide range of settings. We stay up to date with the latest research and deliver excellent customer service.

Flexibility – we know how busy life and families can be. Our local support workers can provide supports at a time that suits you and your family’s schedule. We’re also adaptable so if your needs change over time, we’ll provide continuity in your support services.

Empowerment – having a ‘can do’ attitude makes a huge difference to everyday life. As your cheerleader, we’re always in your corner. No matter what you’re going through, we’ll help you meet life’s challenges head on, and help you reach your goals.

What is the NDIS?

The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) is an Australian government-funded program that enables people with disability to live independent lives. It provides funding for a wide range of supports, such as life skills training, physiotherapy, personal care, 24/7 support, nursing care, vehicle modifications, daily living skills, and mobility equipment.

The NDIS is all about the individual, and empowers each participant to make their own decisions and be in charge of their support plan. That means that you can choose what your plan looks like, which supports you’d like to access, and who provides your supports. Registered providers work with participants to help them achieve their goals, in a way that empowers them to be as independent as possible.

Home Caring provides personalised NDIS disability care in Melbourne. Our local teams will work with you to create a support plan that not only makes the most of your funding, but helps you get the most out of life. To find out more, please get in touch with our friendly team.

Home Care Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

How does disability support work in Australia?

In Australia, disability care services is provided by the government through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS is a national scheme that provides people with disability with funding to help them access the supports and services they need to live a fulfilling life.

To be eligible for the NDIS, you must have a permanent disability that significantly impacts your ability to perform tasks in everyday life. If you are eligible, you are provided with an individualised funding plan that is based on your needs, circumstances and personal goals. This funding can be used to access a range of services and supports, such as assistive technology, personal care, help with the housework, transport, home modifications, and therapy services. You have the ability to choose your own provider, and work with them to develop a support plan that helps you achieve your goals and participate in community life.

The NDIS also provides support for carers of people with disability. This can include respite care, counselling, training, and other services to help them cope with the demands of caring for a loved one with a disability.

Are you looking for disability services & support organisation in Melbourne? Home Caring is here to help. As a disability care service, our teams of local care professionals and nurses provide high quality support that helps you live as independently as possible. For more information, please get in touch with our friendly staff.

To be eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, a person must:

  • be under 65 years of age at the time of applying for the NDIS
  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a Protected Special Category Visa
  • have a disability caused by an impairment, and that impairment is likely to be permanent
  • have an impairment that substantially impacts their ability to undertake everyday activities
  • have an impairment that affects their ability to work, study or take part in a social life
  • be likely to need NDIS support for their whole life

To apply successfully, you must be able to provide evidence of your disability, including medical reports and assessments. Once approved, the person you will work with a NDIS planner to develop an individualised plan based on their specific needs and goals.

Are you looking for disability support agencies in Melbourne? Home Caring provides exceptional NDIS services to help participants be as independent as possible. To find out more about our NDIS services, please get in touch with our disability experts. We’re more than happy to help.

To apply for the NDIS you need to contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) either by phone, email, or by filling out an online form on the NDIS website. The NDIA will then assess your eligibility for the NDIS based on your disability, level of impairment, and other relevant factors. If you are deemed eligible, a NDIS planner will work with you to develop a plan that identifies your goals, needs, and the supports and services required to achieve them. Once your plan is approved, you can then use your NDIS funding to access the necessary supports and services.

If you’d like to chat to someone about applying for the NDIS, our customer support team and ready to provide assistance. Please get in touch for a free consultation. We’re more than happy to provide assistance.

The NDIS provides government funding for a wide range of disability services for participants and their families. This includes:

  • Personal care (e.g. showering and dressing)
  • Nursing care for medical conditions
  • 24/7 support for complex needs
  • Help with daily chores (e.g. laundry and cleaning)
  • Assistive technology (e.g. wheelchairs and communication devices)
  • Allied health therapy (e.g. occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy)
  • Home modifications (e.g. rails, ramps and ceiling hoists)
  • Support for social skills, participation and community engagement
  • Support coordination to help you manage your NDIS services
  • Help with employment (e.g. job coaching and assistance with applications)
  • Transport to get you to appointments and activities
  • Respite care to give family members a break
  • Meal preparation support
  • Specialist Disability Accommodation (disability housing and group homes)
  • Learning skills for life (e.g. how to public transport)
  • Education support
  • Behaviour management support
  • Support for your physical health and mental wellbeing
  • Vehicle modifications
  • Early childhood development support
  • Home and garden maintenance
  • Paediatric support at home
  • NDIS plan management
  • Catheter care and clinical care
  • Community nursing care for people with disability

Do you need disability home care in Melbourne? Home Caring is here to assist. We provide person-centred home care services that help people with disability live independently in their local community. Please get in touch for a free consultation with our disability care experts.

The NDIS provides support and funding for people with disability in Australia, including children of all ages. Here are some ways in which the NDIS helps children with disability, and supports their families:

Individualised support – the NDIS provides a tailored support plan for each child. This plan is created with the child and their family, outlining the support and services they need to achieve their goals. This ensures that any services they receive make a genuine difference to their life.

Early Intervention Support – the NDIS provides funding for early intervention services to support very young children. The Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) is a NDIS program designed to help children aged 0 to 6 who have developmental delay or a disability.

Funding for disability expenses – through the NDIS, parents of children with disability can access funding for expenses such as special equipment, support workers, transport, assistive technology, and personal care. This can help children with disabilities to participate in their community and access the support they need.

Education support – to help children with disability access mainstream education, the NDIS funds classroom support, assistive technology, hearing and vision services, and other accommodations to help children learn in the best possible way, no matter their disability.

Support for families and carers – the NDIS provides support to families and carers of children with disability. This can include respite care to give family carers a break, counselling services, and financial assistance.

Support to participate in community activities – the NDIS can fund equipment, coaching and training programs, assistive technology and inclusive sport programs to enable children with disability to participate in their favourite hobbies. It also provides funding for a support worker to assist children to participate in community life.

Paediatric services– children with disability can receive specialist nursing services to care for medical conditions in their own home, so they can stay healthy and well. They can also receive 24/7 support for high needs, and dietetic services to assist with eating difficulties.

Mental health services – the NDIS can provide funding for psychology services for children with disability who have mental health concerns, such as anxiety or depression. Psychology services can help children to develop coping strategies and improve their mental wellbeing.

Behaviour support – the NDIS can provide funding for behavioural support services for children with disability who have challenging behaviour. This may include interventions such as positive behaviour support, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy, or other evidence-based behavioural interventions.

Therapies for children – the NDIS can fund a wide range of therapies from allied health professionals such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, to help children thrive in everyday life.

As a disability agency in Melbourne, Home Caring supports children with disability, so they can thrive in the community and at home. We provide paediatric services, therapies, personal care, education support, assistive technology and more – and we love supporting families in their caring role. For a free consultation, please get in touch with our dedicated team of disability support experts.

If you’ve only just started exploring disability support in Australia, applying for the NDIS may seem like a daunting process. Here are some steps that might help guide you along the way.

  • Understand the eligibility criteria. Before applying for the NDIS, it’s important to understand if you are eligible. You can read the eligibility criteria in more detail on the NDIS government website.
  • Collect relevant documentation. Gather and organise all relevant documentation, such as medical reports, assessment results, and other relevant information that supports your eligibility for the NDIS.
  • Think about your goals and needs. Consider your current needs and goals, and how the NDIS can help you achieve them. This will help you to develop a clear plan for the support and services you need.
  • Seek advice. Consider seeking advice from a disability advocate or support service to help you understand the NDIS process and how to prepare your application. You may also want to ask a friend or family members who has gone through the process for advice.
  • Be thorough in your application. Provide detailed information about your disability, your current situation, and your goals and needs. Be specific about the support and services you require.
  • Communicate clearly. Use clear and simple language in your application. Avoid using technical or medical jargon that may be difficult to understand.
  • Provide supporting evidence. This includes medical reports, assessments, and other relevant documentation that demonstrates your eligibility for the NDIS.
  • Attend NDIS meetings and appointments. You can invite someone to attend with you, for support.
  • Review your plan regularly. Once your NDIS plan has been approved, review it regularly to ensure it continues to meet your needs and goals.
  • Seek assistance if you have concerns or issues. An advocate or support service can help you navigate the process and resolve any issues that arise.

Do you need NDIS disability support providers in Melbourne? We’d love to help. Home Caring provides personalised NDIS support plans to help people live in the community. For a free consultation, please get in touch with our friendly staff team.

The NDIS is designed to provide support for individuals with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to perform daily activities. While seniors may experience age-related disability such as mobility or sensory impairments, you must be under the age of 65 to access the scheme, at the time of your application.

There are other government-funded aged care services available for seniors in Australia, including the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), which provides basic support services such as domestic assistance, personal care, and transport. There is also the Home Care Packages program, which provides more comprehensive support services to eligible seniors to help them to continue living independently in their own homes.

Looking for disability support companies in Melbourne, or disability support organisations in Melbourne? Home Caring provides NDIS services and Home Care Packages to help people in the community live as independently as possible. To find out more, get in touch with our disability care experts.

As well as providing NDIS disability support in Melbourne suburbs, Home Caring provides quality NDIS services in major cities and regional areas across Australia. We have teams of disability experts and healthcare professionals in New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Canberra and Victoria.

Our teams are locals, so they are best placed to connect you to community services and provide flexible care. To find out if we provide NDIS services in your area, get in touch with our customer service team.

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Leave Your Details with Our Dedicated Care Experts

Learn more about Home Care Packages, NDIS support options, explore different care models, and get answers to any specific questions you may have.

At Home Caring, we are here to listen to your needs and explain the options available to support you. Simply share your details, and our team will guide you every step of the way.

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Home Caring is extremely excited to see the launch of the National Autism Strategy, a significant step toward creating a more inclusive society. This strategy focuses on improving community involvement, education and employment opportunities as well as enhancing diagnosis, services and support systems for autistic individuals.

To truly make a difference, these commitments must be backed by fully funded, long-term action plans that are both led by autistic voices and aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

We strongly support calls for:

~ An end to harmful NDIS reassessments that leave autistic   
  individuals without crucial supports.
~ Increased funding for early intervention, diagnostic services and therapies.
~ Fully funded plans that ensure timely access to services 
  particularly for those in marginalised communities.

Let’s continue working together to make meaningful changes for autistic people across our great nation 🩵

Read the full release: https://buff.ly/4jdm2fy
Read the Strategy: https://buff.ly/40wKyRC
Read the First Action Plan 2025-2026: https://buff.ly/4hfuVTU

Home Caring is extremely excited to see the launch of the National Autism Strategy, a significant step toward creating a more inclusive society. This strategy focuses on improving community involvement, education and employment opportunities as well as enhancing diagnosis, services and support systems for autistic individuals.

To truly make a difference, these commitments must be backed by fully funded, long-term action plans that are both led by autistic voices and aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

We strongly support calls for:

~ An end to harmful NDIS reassessments that leave autistic
individuals without crucial supports.
~ Increased funding for early intervention, diagnostic services and therapies.
~ Fully funded plans that ensure timely access to services
particularly for those in marginalised communities.

Let’s continue working together to make meaningful changes for autistic people across our great nation 🩵

Read the full release: buff.ly/4jdm2fy
Read the Strategy: buff.ly/40wKyRC
Read the First Action Plan 2025-2026: buff.ly/4hfuVTU
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As one of the newest members of the Home Caring family Peter recently joined our Home Caring South Perth team after a glowing recommendation from his neighbour. Since making the switch Peter has been embracing the tailored support and care he truly deserves and his excitement about being part of our community has been infectious.

At Home Caring we pride ourselves on delivering personalised care that empowers individuals to thrive and Peter’s journey is a beautiful testament to that mission. Our South Perth team has gone above and beyond to ensure his unique needs are met helping him live with greater independence, confidence and joy. Hearing about the positive difference our care has made in Peter’s life fills us with pride and motivates us to keep providing exceptional service across the country.

Stories like Peter’s remind us why Home Caring exists - to make meaningful connections, enrich lives and create a community where every client feels supported and valued. Thank you Peter for trusting us to be part of your journey. We’re thrilled to have you be apart of our Home Caring family! 🩵

As one of the newest members of the Home Caring family Peter recently joined our Home Caring South Perth team after a glowing recommendation from his neighbour. Since making the switch Peter has been embracing the tailored support and care he truly deserves and his excitement about being part of our community has been infectious.

At Home Caring we pride ourselves on delivering personalised care that empowers individuals to thrive and Peter’s journey is a beautiful testament to that mission. Our South Perth team has gone above and beyond to ensure his unique needs are met helping him live with greater independence, confidence and joy. Hearing about the positive difference our care has made in Peter’s life fills us with pride and motivates us to keep providing exceptional service across the country.

Stories like Peter’s remind us why Home Caring exists - to make meaningful connections, enrich lives and create a community where every client feels supported and valued. Thank you Peter for trusting us to be part of your journey. We’re thrilled to have you be apart of our Home Caring family! 🩵
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“The simple act of caring is heroic” - and in 2025 we’re bringing this mantra to life. Here at HomeCaring every act of kindness, support and dedication fuels our mission to transform lives and make a real difference. This year more than ever! ~ we’re committed to delivering care that empowers individuals, strengthens communities and creates lasting impact for those who need it the most 🩵🦸🏻‍♂️

“The simple act of caring is heroic” - and in 2025 we’re bringing this mantra to life. Here at HomeCaring every act of kindness, support and dedication fuels our mission to transform lives and make a real difference. This year more than ever! ~ we’re committed to delivering care that empowers individuals, strengthens communities and creates lasting impact for those who need it the most 🩵🦸🏻‍♂️ ... See MoreSee Less

As we look back at 2024 it’s impossible not to smile. From moments of self-care and mindfulness to strengthening our friendships and channelling that main character energy 2024 was a year nothing short of incredible. With over 500+ different workshops held and more than 10,000 lives enriched, we are so proud of what we’ve achieved together as a Home Caring family. And it’s all thanks to YOU—our amazing clients, families and supporters. Here’s to a brighter, even more inspiring 2025!! 

Let’s keep growing, learning and enriching lives together! 🩵✨

#ReflectingOn2024 #SelfCareJourney #MindfulnessMatters #StrengtheningFriendships #MainCharacterEnergy

As we look back at 2024 it’s impossible not to smile. From moments of self-care and mindfulness to strengthening our friendships and channelling that main character energy 2024 was a year nothing short of incredible. With over 500+ different workshops held and more than 10,000 lives enriched, we are so proud of what we’ve achieved together as a Home Caring family. And it’s all thanks to YOU—our amazing clients, families and supporters. Here’s to a brighter, even more inspiring 2025!!

Let’s keep growing, learning and enriching lives together! 🩵✨

#ReflectingOn2024 #SelfCareJourney #MindfulnessMatters #StrengtheningFriendships #MainCharacterEnergy
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