Look around you, it is clear that our whole society is based around people lusting for control. Whether it’s globally, politically, within our friendship or family circle or in our own household. If you are either a person with a disability or have anything to do with the disability community, you would understand that this lust for control is so particularly strong, as it’s evident that people who have a disability seem to lack control in various areas of their lives. So I am going to give you some tips on gaining control over your home, NDIS Supports and social life when you have a disability.
So, we’re going to start in what should be everyone’s extension of themselves, the home. If we think about it, our home should really be an extension of our personalities, either as an individual, family or group. So therefore it should be the one place that we feel the most free, safe and in control. While we talk about this we need to acknowledge the various shapes and sizes housing comes in. When thinking about the disability or the NDIS community, this variety of housing options and types seems to be ever changing from individual homes to supported group homes. It is for these reasons, and the fact that as people who have disabilities are more likely to strive for this control, that we feel that it’s important for us in the disability community to maintain as much control in our own homes as possible. Personally, I have found that my journey to this realisation has been constant for about four years, since I have moved out to my own supported living apartment.