Looking at my life over the last decade, I can easily say I am both proud and shocked of what my life is like now. Honestly, looking back to when I was about 10, becoming an writer even a business owner didn’t cross my mind as being in my future one day. You see, around this time myself, my teachers and my family realised that I had vision difficulties. This was a shock mainly to me because up until then I thought I was doing fine with my education and was loving school. Despite this, I do remember struggling with reading books in class and at home and slowly struggling to read them as they got harder. As I didn’t know what was actually going on I started to find ways to mask that I was struggling to read, let’s say I definitely took advantage of being nonverbal.
However, on the other side of this the reason I decided to hide my problems was because i thought that I was going to be immediately placed into the support unit, especially because I was severely disabled.