Home Care Kew
NDIS Provider
Home Care Package Provider

Home Care Services Kew

Finding the right care for yourself or a loved one is a process that you want to approach with great care and consideration. When you’re looking for the perfect care solution, home care can meet your needs in a range of ways. Whether you need full-time care or you want respite care to give yourself a break from your own caring duties, professional carers can deliver quality care at home.

If you’re looking for care options, our home care in Kew offers specialised services that deliver the care and attention that you need. Our services include aged care, dementia care, disability care and respite care. Residents in Kew can explore our services to discover one that matches their needs and offers a number of benefits that other types of care might not deliver.

What we offer

Home Caring provides professional home care services, tailored to your needs.

Life skills

Life skills

Community Participation

Community Participation

Behaviour Support

Behaviour Support

Domestic Assistance

Domestic Assistance

Personal Care

Personal Care

Complex care

Complex care

Disability care

Disability Care

Dementia care

Dementia care

Palliative care

Palliative care

Respite Care

Respite Care

24 x 7 care

24 x 7 care

And more

And more

Not sure where to start? We’re here to help.

Our Home Care Services in Kew

Every individual who requires some care to help them maintain their health and happiness has different needs. Creating a solution to fit each client is essential for any care service. Home Caring works to deliver bespoke care packages to all clients so that we can meet everyone’s needs and help people to live in their own homes for as long as possible. Home care helps people to maintain their independence for longer, allowing them to stay at home and receive the care they need in familiar surroundings.

We can offer assistance for a broad range of needs, including personal care and grooming, safety, overnight care, companionship, and more. When you’re ready to find out how home care in Kew might benefit you or your loved ones, you can arrange a consultation to learn more about your options.

Dementia Care in Kew

Getting the right care for someone with dementia is vital. Specialist care helps to meet the specific needs of dementia patients, taking into account the many ways that dementia can affect one’s life. We are partnered with Dementia Caring, a top provider of dementia care services. We can offer bespoke care packages that are designed to meet the needs of people with memory disorders. Home care for people with dementia can include personal care, grooming, mobility, safety and first aid, and other needs that might arise from experiencing problems with memory and aged illness. Our dementia care services can also help clients to find and follow the right medical routine.

Aged Care in Kew

Home Caring offers a range of in-home aged care services to provide assistance to people as they get older. Many people find that they need help with mobility, grocery shopping and meals, getting out and about and other routine tasks as they get older. However, even though you might need some extra help, it doesn’t mean that you are prepared to leave your home. We offer friendly and efficient aged care in Kew, with Care Plans designed to take care of each person’s individual circumstances. We choose our experienced carers to fit each of our clients and help them reduce isolation and maintain as much independence as possible.

Respite Care in Kew

Those who care for family members or others need to have time to take care of themselves too. Respite care allows carers to have a break with the reassurance that a high standard of care is still being delivered while they have a rest. Respite care can not only help carers but also those they care for. Having time away from each other will often strengthen your relationship. Our respite care services are here for you when you need them most, offering a break for primary caregivers and following the schedule and requirements set out by you.

Disability Care in Kew

Our disability home care services provide assistance for clients with disabilities of all kinds who need help at home. Disability care in Kew helps people to live independently at home, giving them the support that they need. We are a Registered NDIS Service Provider and can help you to maximise your NDIS funds. As well as home help, we offer assistance with accessing further support in the community and more. Our Case Managers work with our clients to develop care plans that work for every individual. We can develop a comprehensive 24-hour care plan to cover all necessary areas of support.

Palliative Care in Kew

Palliative care aims to make people more comfortable when they are in the final stages of an illness or reaching the end of their life. Home Caring provides palliative home care services that include personal care, emotional support and help at home, including housework and meal preparation. The right care during this difficult time is important, and our services can match your needs with professional and attentive care. We offer support for daily living, respite care and overnight support to provide for clients requiring palliative care and their families.

Why Choose Home Care?

When choosing the right care options, you have a number of choices to help you find the right solutions. Home care services offer a range of benefits to people requiring care and their loved ones. At home care offers a flexible way to get the care that you need. Every care package can be designed for the individual who requires care so that they can receive the assistance that they need at the right times and in the right ways.

Home care offers personalised, one-on-one help from experienced carers. If you want to make sure that you have carers who are dedicated to providing care to just the one person you care about, home help is the best option. With other care solutions, carers are usually caring for a number of people at the same time, which means that they have to spread their time and attention further. Home care delivers a personal touch and a high standard of care. You can feel free to communicate with carers and make sure that all care needs are met at all times.

Home care offers a level of independence that might be difficult to achieve in other care settings. It allows people to stay in their own homes, and can make it easier for family to be involved. Staying in a familiar and loved environment can be good for people’s health and happiness, so being able to stay in their own home can be extremely beneficial. Remaining as independent as possible can help people to retain their sense of self and make it easier to cope with requiring extra assistance.

Better continuity of care is often achievable with home care, allowing for care teams to remain in place as long as you need them. Clients and their families can get to know their carers, who will be a presence in their home. Higher standards of care can be reached with a consistent care team who can get to know their patient and their needs.

Care at home helps with safety and hygiene too. Assisted living facilities and care environments where there are lots of residents have higher rates of infection because illnesses can be passed around more easily. A home care situation makes it easier to avoid infection and maintain hygiene.

Home care could help you to save money too. It is often a more cost-effective solution than a residential care option, which includes a large number of expenses to provide 24/7 care. People often picture home care as an expensive option, but that’s often not the case. Plus, with government assistance for care expenses, you can make home care even more affordable.

Support from Our Team

Home Caring provides support in a variety of ways to help you create the perfect home care plan. We offer a complimentary consultation to get you started so that you can benefit from a care plan that has been tailored to your needs. Our experienced staff communicate with you and use their knowledge and training to deliver a plan that will work for you. When you need support from us, you can contact us by phone or even benefit from online support for a modern way to manage your care services. Our flexible service is available 24 hours a day so that we can be as accessible as possible.

Our varied services provide for anyone looking for home care in a range of situations. We aim to offer our services with compassion, commitment and with a connection to the local community in Kew. Home care services from Home Caring offers truly one-on-one care to provide a personal service that also comes with companionship. Our clients can remain more independent in their own homes, enjoying the familiar and comforting surroundings while receiving the care that they need.

Our team has over 250 professionals and 20 years of experience in management, delivering high-quality home care. We offer affordable prices for aged care and disability support, making our services accessible for more people in Kew. Start with a free consultation to find out how we can help you, and we can design a bespoke care plan that delivers everything you need.

Leave Your Details with Our Dedicated Care Experts

Learn more about Home Care Packages, NDIS support options, explore different care models, and get answers to any specific questions you may have.

At Home Caring, we are here to listen to your needs and explain the options available to support you. Simply share your details, and our team will guide you every step of the way.

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