Since we are talking about managing my supports people in my support team include, my occupational therapist, support coordinator, physiotherapy,support workers, local area coordinator and my plan manager. I’ve known my physio therapist for 2 and a half years, we meet at a local park so that I can embrace my independence and we communicate on a week to week basis for appointment times.
My support coordinator currently is not funded to my needs and we only discuss and organise my supports on a monthly basis. I’m finding this extremely difficult because I’ve had more hours allocated in previous NDIS plans. My support workers, ive had a variety of supports overtime but I’ve now found that quality of quantity is better for me. I’m very lucky that my independence support worker wears many hats and supports me in many ways, and we communicate and organise supports together weekly. OT and LAC I have minimal contact with due to not requiring much support in their fields at this point of time I have a lot of informal supports such as family and friends but I live my life pretty independently and do not rely on them.
The older I get the more Independent I become and the more involved and confident I get the more I’m in control of my supports and I’m learning to not tolerate poor services and I’m focus on services that have my best interest at heart.