Home Care Miller

Home Care Miller

Home Care Miller
NDIS Provider
Home Care Package Provider

If you’re looking for elderly and disability care in Miller, you’ve come to the right place. We at Home Caring are dedicated to making sure our patients are comfortable and happy with all of the services we provide, ranging from tending to basic needs, to around-the-clock care for those who are more dependent.

We recognize how hard it can be to give up your independence to others, but we’re also experienced in helping our members handle the situation with dignity and respect, so you’ve got nothing to worry about when putting your trust in us.

What we offer

Home Caring provides professional home care services, tailored to your needs.

Life skills

Life skills

Community Participation

Community Participation

Behaviour Support

Behaviour Support

Domestic Assistance

Domestic Assistance

Personal Care

Personal Care

Complex care

Complex care

Disability care

Disability Care

Dementia care

Dementia care

Palliative care

Palliative care

Respite Care

Respite Care

24 x 7 care

24 x 7 care

Nursing Care

Nursing Care

Disability Services

Disability Services

Short-term Care

Short-term Care

Basic Care

Basic Care

Everyday Life support

Everyday Life support

Day activities

Day activities

Recreational activities

Recreational activities

Veterans Home Care

Veterans Home Care

Community activities

Community activities

And more

And more

Need more information? Got a question?

Is Home Care for you?

One of the most difficult parts of getting older is noticing that you can no longer fully care for yourself, and living alone isn’t an option anymore. At this point, you have to choose between having someone help you with your needs, or moving out to an assisted living facility. We don’t believe that anyone should have to leave the home that’s been a part of their lives for years, which is why we provide our services directly to your home.

We have experience working with all kinds of support, with clients of all needs – which means we’re ready to help you with any of your needs. We have a diverse team of multilingual carers, ready to help anyone from any background. Whether you need help at flexible hours, primarily speak another language, or require a higher level of assistance, we can do it all.

We also have multiple levels to our Home Care Services, so you can decide what kind of needs you want us to take care of. It’s important to use that you still feel your independence, and we’ll do anything we can to help you keep it. Our levels of care are as seen below:

Home Care Package Level 1

Our level-one package is for those who are looking for basic care within their own home. It’s not to handle larger tasks, but to help with maintaining the garden, keeping the house clean, and preparing meals each day. Your basic needs will be covered.

Home Care Package Level 2

With this package, we’ll offer services that cover more of your everyday needs and be a bit more involved with your responsibilities. We’ll handle shopping, exercise classes, personal care, transport, and podiatry. This falls under our low-care needs.

Home Care Package Level 3

With this package, we take care of your intermediate needs. You can expect carers to take a lot more involvement in your daily life, ranging from medicinal management to social outings.

Home Care Package Level 4

Our Home Care Package Level 4 is as much as we can offer, and it’s to members with high care needs. More hours will be spent visiting the members, and carers will be much more hands-on with the needs of the client. This is for members who are experiencing extreme conditions such as dementia or Alzheimers.

It sounds expensive. Is it?

While it might sound like all of these levels of care are expensive, it’s important to know that as an NDIS Registered Provider – we can make sure you get the level of care you need at a reduced cost. This is because all of our Home Care Packages are subsidized by the government. The higher the level of care the client needs, the more the government will cover the costs – so you can rest assured that your care is affordable, and our top priority.

What if I already have a home care provider?

If you’re already covered by a home care provider but are looking to switch, we’d be more than happy to help you make that change. Whether you’re unhappy with the services you’re currently getting, or you’re looking for something more affordable – you can reach out to us using the number below. HomeCaring’s team can help you every step of the way to make sure you get the best outcome for you and your needs alone.

Don’t hesitate to call

If you or a loved one is in need of our home care services in Miller, don’t hesitate to give us a call. You can reach us at 1300 875 377. Whether you have questions about our services, the steps you need to take to apply, or want to know about the costs – we’re more than happy to help.

Leave Your Details with Our Dedicated Care Experts

Learn more about Home Care Packages, NDIS support options, explore different care models, and get answers to any specific questions you may have.

At Home Caring, we are here to listen to your needs and explain the options available to support you. Simply share your details, and our team will guide you every step of the way.

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