Home Care Point Cook

Home Care Point Cook

Home Care Point Cook
NDIS Provider
Home Care Package Provider

Home Care Services Point Cook

Do you care for a loved one in Point Cook? Someone with a debilitating condition or disability that requires your constant attention? You may feel that your love for the patient requires you to take their care upon your own shoulders, but this can be counterproductive. When someone close to you suffers from an age related or serious condition, you may want to help them to live as autonomously and independently as possible yet still worry about them in your every waking moment. We understand that caring for someone with complex medical needs can be extremely demanding and take a toll on not just the patient but those people who are closest to them.

Balancing the care that you provide for a loved one along with your work, career and family commitments can be a huge challenge that places a great deal of strain on your own health and wellbeing. Fortunately, whatever your care needs, we can help!

At Home Caring Lifestyle and Health Solutions we aim to provide quality home based care for the people who mean the most to you.

While residential care may be necessary for some, you may not feel it necessary or even appropriate for your loved one. That’s why we work collaboratively with patients, their families and teams of expert caregivers to provide quality care to patients in Point Cook and all over Melbourne in the place where it matters the most to them… In their own homes.

What we offer

Home Caring provides professional home care services, tailored to your needs.

Life skills

Life skills

Community Participation

Community Participation

Behaviour Support

Behaviour Support

Domestic Assistance

Domestic Assistance

Personal Care

Personal Care

Complex care

Complex care

Disability care

Disability Care

Dementia care

Dementia care

Palliative care

Palliative care

Respite Care

Respite Care

24 x 7 care

24 x 7 care

And more

And more

Not sure where to start? We’re here to help.

Bringing quality care to the people of Point Cook

The beauty of home care is that it can provide even complex care to patients in their own homes, sparing them the potential for disruption, upset and alienation that can sometimes come with the transition to residential care. For many, home care offers the best of both worlds and can be the most beneficial solution for patients’ wellbeing for a variety of reasons.

Those with serious debilitating conditions may prefer to remain in their Point Cook homes, and we completely understand why. Point Cook is a place of great pride for many Australians as it is the home of the Royal Australian Air Force. Yet, there’s more to this area than its special heritage. It’s also a peaceful, serene and beautiful place in which patients can relax and enjoy their care in a familiar and beautiful environment.

Less than half an hour’s drive away from Melbourne proper, Point Cook has all the amenities of a major metropolitan suburb, but has the look and feel of a holiday resort town. Take a stroll around Point Cook coastal park or the Saltwater Coast wetlands and it’s easy to see why remaining in such a charming and beautiful area would be conducive to the health and wellbeing of patients with a range of conditions that require care.

This is exactly why we believe so passionately in delivering quality care solutions to patients in their own homes. You’ll find that we offer the highest standards of home care for patients with a wide range of needs and conditions, including…

Age and Dementia Care

Patients with dementia and other age related conditions have a range of potentially complex and highly individual care needs. This can be difficult to provide without the right training and years of experience which we provide. Caring for people dementia encompasses a range of disciplines and can be extremely taxing for patients’ friends, family and loved ones. It can also be emotionally traumatic and upsetting as patients with dementia can seem completely themselves one day and someone totally different the next. Those with dementia are often prone to fluctuations of personality, lapses in memory, lack of responsiveness, mood swings and bouts of aggression which can be extremely upsetting for those who care for and about them.

Fortunately, you needn’t go through this alone. Our skilled team are on hand to administer comprehensive care solutions based on patients’ individual needs.

We work tirelessly to deliver highly skilled, compassionate and dignified solutions to patients, encompassing every aspect of dementia care. We match our care professionals’ skills, personality and disposition to the personality and circumstances of our patient, so that patients not only get a skilled carer but someone whose company they can really enjoy.

Our care providers are adept in helping dementia patients retain their memories and personalities through Reminiscence Therapy and Validation Therapy. Yet they are just as skilled when it comes to simply helping out with the daily duties of the home like cleaning, tidying and cooking they bring the same professionalism and dedication. They can also assist patients with their more sensitive needs like bathing, dressing and visiting the toilet with the utmost dignity.

Disability Care

For many patients with debilitating conditions, the prospect of a “normal life” may seem forever out of their reach. Yet, we aim to prove them wrong with a comprehensive range of care solutions for patients to help them to lead as normal and happy a life as possible in Point Cook.

We have decades of experience working with patients with a range of conditions including;

  • Motor Neurone Disease- The complex needs of patients with MND can be difficult to cope with for non-professional carers. We are here to help patients with all variants of this condition to lead rich and fulfilling lives while also preparing for the effects that the condition will have on their bodies and their lifestyles. We have experience providing care solutions to patients with all variants of this condition including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Progressive Bulbar Palsy (PBP), Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA) and Primary Lateral Sclerosis.
  • Huntington’s Disease- Huntington’s Disease is a hereditary condition which, like MND is degenerative and leaves patients with increasingly complex needs. Huntington’s disease unfortunately cannot be cured, thus a diagnosis of Huntington’s can be extremely distressing for patients and those closest to them. Nonetheless, our range of care services can help them to lead their best lives. We provide expert practical and personal care solutions to Huntington’s patients including helping them to adapt to their changing medical and pain management needs.
  • Arthritis- Arthritis is a relatively common condition that affects around 3.85 million Australians. At its worst it can be a painful and debilitating, making mobility a huge challenge. Fortunately, the right care can make a world of difference. It is our goal to make the lives of people with arthritis easier and more comfortable while allowing them to remain as happy, healthy and independent as they can. We provide caring, highly knowledgeable and dignified care for patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile arthritis.

Respite Care

We’ve already discussed how demanding it can be to care for someone you love. When you are a primary caregiver it can be too easy to neglect your own needs. If you need a little more time to yourself yet don’t want to entrust your loved one to a program of full time care, we have a range of flexible respite care options to suit you.

Post Operative Care

A serious surgical procedure can take a toll on the body. What’s more, how patients spend their time while they recovering can be very important. Some patients may be at risk of postoperative complications or may impair their own recovery through their habits and lifestyle choices. We provide extensive post-operative care for patients recovering from surgery.

Our comprehensive program of post operative care that encompasses everything from pain medication management to ensuring that the patient enjoys a healthy diet that leads to quicker healing. We also help out around the home in whatever way is necessary to ensure that the patient is able to safely and completely recover free from stress and pain.

Palliative Care

The sad truth is that even in an age of great medical and technological advances, there are some conditions from which patients can never completely recover. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean that they can’t lead rich, full and enjoyable lives. This is why palliative care is such an important and necessary discipline. Where a condition cannot be cured, the right care can deliver quality of life to patients who need it the most.

We can assist patients and their loved ones with all aspects of palliative care including diet and exercise, social and lifestyle enhancement activities, medication and pain management.

Why choose Home Caring?

We understand what a difficult and momentous decision it can be to place a loved one in the hands of a care provider. It requires trust and faith and is not a decision to be made lightly. Nobody is more aware of this than us! That’s why we work so hard to earn the trust of our patients, their families and their loved ones.

With over 20 years’ experience in the care industry we are perfectly placed to give patients the very best standard of care and the very best quality of life, whatever their needs and conditions.

Everything we do is founded on these simple values;

  • Care: A client-focused approach which puts our patients first.
  • Quality: We constantly strive to bring the highest quality to our service and build value for our clients.
  • Innovation: Great care should never stand still. That’s why we’re committed to an innovative approach that is always striving to better meet patients’ needs.
  • Excellence: Our goal is always to exceed clients’ expectations through exceptional care and customer service.

If you’d like to know more about our extensive range of treatments, or to arrange a free consultation, get in touch with us today!

Leave Your Details with Our Dedicated Care Experts

Learn more about Home Care Packages, NDIS support options, explore different care models, and get answers to any specific questions you may have.

At Home Caring, we are here to listen to your needs and explain the options available to support you. Simply share your details, and our team will guide you every step of the way.

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