Home Caring Groups Staff Code of Conduct and Ethics is intended to assist staff to define their conduct and ethical responsibilities. It cannot address all possible ethical challenges that may be faced however a successful ethical environment relies upon individuals taking responsibility for their own behaviour and of ethical behaviour in the service. All staff are required to abide by the Code of Conduct and failure to do so may result in disciplinary action or dismissal.
Where a staff member is in doubt as to the applicability and scope of the provisions of this Code, or as to the appropriate course of action to be adopted in any given circumstance, the matter should be discussed with the Manager.
- As an employee of Home Caring Group, you agree to the following Code of Conduct and Ethics:
Be conscientious in the performance of official duties and scrupulous by:
- Following the policies and procedures of the Company
- Maintaining confidentiality in all situations except for mandatory reporting requirements
- Being committed to the goals of our company and providing care within aims and objectives
- Using equipment and facilities in accordance with guidelines
- The use of personal electronic devices, especially mobile/smart phones, during shifts is not acceptable other than for Home Caring Group communications business purposes.
- Being accountable for one’s own actions and behaviour always and in all situations
- Not doing harm to the Company’s professional reputation by performing duties with professionalism, objectivity, integrity and in the best interest of the people who access the service.
- Acting with integrity, honesty and transparency; ensuring that any referrals are conducted in an open and non-biased manner
- Never promoting your own interest, goods and services to the client that you may provide outside of your role with the Company.
To treat other team members and clients, families and other workers with respect and courtesy by:
- Acknowledging and accepting that people have different values and beliefs and has the right to be treated equally regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, social status and other individual differences.
- Acknowledging and accepting that clients are individuals and have the right to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision making.
- Being honest and open about any work or personal issues which may arise
- Seeking prompt advice about solutions to problems
- Acting in a professional manner with regards to client / staff relationships
- Addressing peers and clients appropriately as per client’s requests (see care plan)
- Adhering to legislative requirements such as Anti-discrimination legislation
To direct problems through correct channels rather than engaging in gossip and rum our mongering by:
- Bringing matters promptly to the Manager, Operations Manager
- Being honest about situations which may arise
- Being prepared to be a part of the solution to the problem
- Not speaking inappropriately to others about issues until they are resolved
- Being informed of staff and clients rights to provide feedback or make a complaint without fear of retribution
To ensure team members and clients will be free from harassment and discrimination in by:
- Understanding that they have the right not to be subjected to such behaviour
- Actively preventing all forms of violence, exploitation, neglect and abuse
- Reporting any incidents promptly to their Manager or the Operations Manager
- Knowing that a complaint will be dealt with promptly, in a sensitive and appropriate manner
- Not to harass or abuse, verbally or physically, clients, other staff or Management of the company. There is zero tolerance for any form of abuse or aggression in the workplace
- Raising and acting on any concerns that may impact on the quality and safety of supports provided to clients
Staff will conduct themselves in a professional manner by:
- Not speaking in derogatory terms about the workplace, other team members or clients
- Maintaining a professional attitude in all dealings and not mislead, misinform or misinterpret
- Not speaking to the media about our company, clients or brokerage partners
- Actively & positively promoting the work of our company and respecting the relationship between the client our brokerage partner / head contractor.
Work within the legal limitations constituted by such Acts and Standards (and not limited to) as Equal Opportunity and Work Health & Safety by:
- Adhering to Policies, procedures and advice outlining ways in which equipment and other workers should be treated
- Attending any training which is identified and recommended for the worker
- Ensuring reasonable care is taken to prevent injury to one’s self or other team members by:
- Taking responsibility for undertaking tasks in the safest possible manner
- Rectifying or reporting immediately any potential hazard which is identified
- Not working while under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drugs
- Adhering to a smoke free environment
- Working within the legal requirements constituted by the Privacy Act, applicable health records legislation, and other guideline made by the Australian Privacy Commissioner or Health Services Commissioner.
Provide efficient, prompt customer focused services in all dealings by:
- Always seeing the customers / clients’ interests as being paramount
- Ensuring informed consent is gained prior to any disclosure of client information and keeping appropriate records
- Not providing your home or mobile phone number to clients and/or family members or using the clients phone for personal reasons
- Referring clients to the office for all communication and not be involved with clients directly to arrange shifts etc. and not contacting carers and family members directly
- Not accepting remuneration, money or gifts directly from clients and/or their carers
- Not take clients to your home and not inviting your family or friends to client’s homes or to any outings with the client
- Not giving advice to clients beyond the scope of your position
- Not going through a client’s personal possessions or removing any item from a client’s home
- Never using the client’s bank book / key card
- Not prepare a meal for yourself with the client’s food
- Not witnessing a client’s Last Will and Testament or any other legal document
Not engage in sexual misconduct which is a broad term that includes any physical and verbal actions committed without consent or by force, intimidation, coercion or manipulation, it includes, but not limited to:
- covers sexual, personal, or erotic comments or jokes,
- any requests of a sexual nature,
- any other unwelcomed behaviour of a sexual nature.
- sexual violence and exploitation but is not limited to actions which constitute a criminal offence.
In addition, all staff must adhere to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Code of Conduct) Rules 2018
Related Legislation and/or guidelines
Related policies
- Privacy & Confidentiality policy
- Protecting older persons policy
- Safeguarding people with disabilities policy
- Human Rights policy
- Children’s Rights policy
- Human Resources management policy
- Conflict of Interest policy
Document number:
Policy Manual- Systems & Supports |
Document version:
3 |
Document effective as of:
30 March 2018 |
Approved by:
Jon Kontopos. Managing Director |
Signature: |
Date of approval:
10th August 2019 |
Date of last review:
April 2019 |
Date of next review:
30 March 2020 |
Reviewed by:
Ivy Yen. Quality Coordinator |
Document distribution:
☒All Brands ☐Only Care ☐Corporate Partners
☐Dementia Caring ☐Premier Care ☐Brokerage services |
VERSION 1: March 2018
VERSION 3: FEB 2020 |